Sunday, October 4, 2009

Old Time Radio is dead. Long live Old Time Radio.

"Radio" as we OTR fanatics know it, is dead. Of course, I believe that Rush Limbaugh will go down in history, but that is in the talk-news-radio format. REAL dramatic radio died in 1962 when the last episodes of Johnny Dollar and Suspense aired. After that, attempts to bring back the glory days of radio were made. Shows like CBC's Nightfall and CBS's nice-but-not-all-there Radio Mystery Theatre aired, but never really "made it", as they say in the profession. People like Joseph Kearns, Bill Forman, and Gerald Mohr all were "molded" into the radio profession. Radio, to them, was more than a job; it was an art form and a window into humanity. Today's radio is more concerned, well, with "just the facts, ma'am". Talk radio dominates the former airwaves of Terry and The Pirates, Jack Benny, and Inner Sanctum. FM Radio now is all "the top rock/pop/country/grunge/BEST MUSIC ON THE AIR!!!!!" stations. And public radio? Try Car Talk and "independent" music. Nothin really there. Thats why I love my iPod and the internet. On the internet I get all the Old Time Radio I want, then put it on my iPod for something all companies have been striving for these days: instant gratification. Thats my rant on radio today. LONG LIVE OLD TIME RADIO!


  1. Welcome to the OTR blogging scene, great blog Jake!

    I agree that though OTR may be "dead" it's more alive than ever thanks to my trusty iPod! Back in my OTR crazy days, I would have loved to have the sort of unlimited access to OTR shows that we have now thanks to podcasts, etc.

    I will say though that some of my favorite audio drama comes from the period after '62. Theater 5 is great and radio fiction never died in England, so there's been a plethora of great material out of the BBC. has a number of current dramas.

  2. Thanks for the comment, David (or should I say GoldenMask) :)

  3. You've seen through my cover! :)

  4. I love the old detective shows I have all of the adventures of phillip marlowe and yours truly johnny dollar and i love them i go to sleep to them each and every night I wish there were more of these today... it would make for a great movie...

    the dr.
